Registration for Ankur, Arun & Uday Classes start on 1st of January and admissions are finalized by March 31st. Admission tests for other classes take place in the last week of March every year, subject to the availability of seats in that class. However all admissions are finalized by 7th of April every year. In class XI provisional admission is given till the results are declared.
• Payment can be made through cheque in the Axis Bank in favour of Dayanand Public School Nabha before 7th of month.
• School fee can be deposited at
Dayanand Public School
S/A No. 098010100023834
IFSC – UTIB0000098
In April
For April and May
In June
For June and July
In August
For August and September
In October
For October and November
In December
For December and January
In February
For February and March
• Payments against fine (if any) are to be made with the fee.
• If the dues are not deposited in time, the name of the student shall be struck off from the school. Re - admission will only be possible with the permission of Principal on payment of re – admission fee of Rs.500/-
It begins from First of April every year and ends on the last day of March next year.
Application form with Prospectus is available in the school office. Forms duly filled must reach the office by 25th of March. Right of admission is reserved with the Principal.
Rate of fee depends on the decision taken by the Managing Committee from year to year.(Please ask for the current rates)